daily genshin sapphics !

an account dedicated to posting daily genshin sapphic game screenshots, headcanons, and other content!

rules !

- no proship content
- no nsfw
- no male characters unless headcanoned as nby/trans & sapphic
- i will not post the child characters
- i will not post teenage characters with adult characters
- i accept submissions via dms!

game screenshots
- when submitting, let me know if you would like to be credited or not
- if you leave your uid in the photo, i'll crop it out for privacy reasons, even if you want to be credited

- all sapphic headcanons are accepted except bi/pan lesbian headcanons
- if there are certain flags you'd like to be used, please include those, otherwise i will use whatever i find

about the mod !

xe/they/she , nonbinary lesbian , adult
kokomi & ganyu lover ♡
all posts are manual !